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Learn – Aprende

Uno de los lugares mas bonitos de concoser siempre sera ala que tu vayas, porque lo que llegues a ver sera novedoso, si enthe tus aventuras esta ir ya sea a Alaska o a Hawai lo mas importante es que leas un poco acerca de ese pais, es importante que sepas los tipos de comidas, el cabio de moneda, los lugares peligrosos, y sobre todo veas blogs donde otras personas que ya estubieron ahi te puedan ayudar o aconsejar.

Siempre que viajo intento interiorisarme en la cultura del pais a donde voy, me gusta saber un poco de sus leyes para evitar meterme en problemas por hacer algo que va contra las creeencias o normas deese pais.

Siempre fijate a cuanto esta el cambio y practica un poco, por ejemplo has de cuenta que estas comprando una sosa y te dan el precio en la moneda del pais al que estas viajando, trata de ver cuanto te saldria en tu moneda, no dejes que te enganen y te venda una soda por 20 dolares, suelen acerlo.

One of the most beautiful places to conquer always be your wing, because what you get to see will be new, if your adventures is going to either Alaska or Hawaii the most important thing is that you read a bit about that country, it is important that you know the types of food, the change of currency, dangerous places, and above all you see blogs where other people who were already there can help or advise you.

Whenever I travel, I try to internalize myself in the culture of the country where I go, I like to know a little about their laws to avoid getting into trouble for doing something that goes against the beliefs or standards of that country.

Always look at how much is the change and practice a little, for example you realize that you are buying a soda and give you the price in the currency of the country to which you are traveling, try to see how much would come in your currency, do not let They deceive you and sell you a soda for 20 dollars, they tend to make it.

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